
OpenAI on Azure

Azure OpenAI Services provides a secure environment for organizations to store and process data and offers additional security features such as encryption, authentication, and authorization.

Articles in this series

Create Your "ownGPT" in a Protected Way and Advance Its Potential (Part 4) - adding additional channels and take action on your data
Create Your "ownGPT" in a Protected Way and Advance Its Potential (Part 3) - activate chat history for adding a more convenient way to work!
Create Your "ownGPT" in a Protected Way and Advance Its Potential (Part 2) - Incorporating your own data to create unique experiences
Create Your "ownGPT" in a Protected Way and Advance Its Potential (Part 1) - a simple web chat experience targeting chatGPT through AOAI
Azure OpenAI Services as a "CoPilot" in Visual Studio Code
Azure OpenAI Services: Mastering the Art of Text Creation and Modification